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The Art of Lisp Programming (eBook)

Autor: Robin Jones
CHF 59.00
ISBN: 978-1-4471-1719-3
Einband: PDF
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
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1 Some Basic Ideas.- Lists.- Representing Lists.- The Interpreter.- Functions.- Two More Primitives.- Constants and Variables.- S-Expressions.- Postscript.- Exercises 1.- Answers.- 2 List Functions.- Splitting Lists.- car and cdr.- Setting Up Lists.- setq.- A Piece of Pedantry.- Head and Tail Revisited.- cons.- Postscript.- Exercises 2.- Answers.- 3 Predicates.- cond.- Boolean Functions.- Exercises 3.- Answers.- 4 Recursion.- Powers.- Boolean Functions Revisited.- eq.- Meanwhile Back at the Problem....- null.- AND and OR.- flat.- first.- rest.- The Fly in the Ointment.- append and list.- Postscript.- Exercises 4.- Answers.- 5 A Look Back (and Forward).- Variables: a Sense of Place.- Variable Scope.- Variable Binding.- Free Variables.- Lexical Scoping.- A Software Engineering Problem.- setq.- System Variables.- Exercises 5.- Answers.- 6 Sets and Lists.- Sets of Numbers.- The Set Functions.- Intersection.- disjoint-p.- Subsets.- Complement.- Union.- Exercises 6.- Answers.- 7 Input.- read.- read-line.- Single Characters.- More About #.- Yes or No Responses.- Using the read Primitives.- Exercises 7.- Answers.- 8 Output.- format.- The Control String.- Printing Values.- Format Directives.- Using Arguments as Parameters.- Tabs.- Other Output Functions.- The Telephone Index Again.- The read-eval-print Loop.- The Program-Data Distinction.- Exercises 8.- Answers.- 9 Iterative Constructs.- loop.- return.- do.- The Size of a List.- Iteration v. Recursion.- dotimes.- dolist.- Mapping.- mapcar.- Exercises 9.- Answers.- 10 More About Program Control.- if.- when.- unless.- case.- Synonyms.- Defaults.- Some New Control Constructs.- let.- flet.- progl to progrc.- The Lambda Notation.- Exercises 10.- Answers.- 11 File Handling.- Pathnames.- merge-pathnames.- Streams.- Opening and ClosingFiles.- Keyword Arguments.- The Body.- Other Keyword Arguments.- Getting the File Back.- EOF-ERROR-P and EOF-VALUE.- Exercises 11.- Answers.- 12 Data Structures.- Association Lists.- pairlis.- The Dot Notation.- assoc.- rassoc.- aeons.- setf.- Database Manipulation.- Trees.- Binary Trees.- The Searching Problem.- Implementing a Binary Tree.- Growing a Tree.- Searching the Tree.- Stacks.- push.- pop.- Exercises 12.- Answers.- 13 Arrays, Strings and Structures.- Arrays.- Changing an Array Element.- Multidimensional Arrays.- Strings.- char.- string=.- string

Autor Robin Jones
Verlag Springer London
Einband PDF
Erscheinungsjahr 2012
Seitenangabe 169 S.
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Abbildungen XIV, 169 p. 20 illus.
Masse 12'433 KB
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Über den Autor Robin Jones

Robin Jones Gunn is the author of more than one hundred books with over five million copies sold, including her popular Christy Miller series as well as Praying for Your Future Husband, co-authored with Tricia Goyer. A popular speaker around the world, Robin lives in California with her husband.Tricia Goyer is the USA Today bestselling, award-winning author of more than eighty books, including Teen Mom and Prayers That Changed History. Tricia is also a busy mom of ten and a grandmother of many. She and her husband, John, live in Arkansas.

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