The goal of this book is to guide the reader through a self-examination of their own spiritual giftedness. To be sure, there will be topics and questions that this short work cannot encompass, but the four simple steps that form a part of a guide to understand, discover and use the spiritual gifts is what we have attempted to provide here.
Spiritual gifts should be understood as one of five major tools that God gives each believer in their toolbox. God has granted His Spirit to us to enlighten and to make the best possible use of who each one of his children are as believers. That requires we look at gifts from the viewpoint of personality, personal skills, internal longings or zeal and ministry experience. Those four elements, combined with the spiritual gifts the Spirit gives, provide a P.R.I.Z.M. through which God's radiant and pure grace shines. The spiritual gifts He has entrusted to us to use for His glory in the Body of Christ deliver a unique impact in the local church with worldwide reach!