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Slope Stochastic Dynamics (eBook)

Autor: Yu Huang
CHF 165.50
ISBN: 978-981-1696-97-8
Einband: PDF
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
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This book provides a new framework for analysis of slope nonlinear stochastic seismic dynamic response based on the new theoretical tool of stochastic dynamics. The coupling effects of uncertainty of geological parameters, strong dynamic nonlinearity, and randomness of ground motion are considered in the process of the seismic dynamic stability assessment of slope. In this book, an intensity frequency non-stationary stochastic ground motion model based on time-domain stochastic process description is preliminarily established to characterize the randomness of earthquakes. The spatial distribution random field model of geotechnical parameters is established to describe the time-space variability of geotechnical parameters. Based on the basic theory of stochastic dynamics, the seismic stability performance evaluation method of slope is established. The slope seismic dynamic model test based on large complex shaking table is performed to verify and modify the proposed framework and method. This book sheds new light on the development of nonlinear seismic stochastic dynamics and seismic design of slope engineering.


Autor Yu Huang
Verlag Springer Nature Singapore
Einband PDF
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
Seitenangabe 155 S.
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Abbildungen XXII, 155 p. 86 illus., 79 illus. in color.
Masse 7'589 KB
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