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Resident Readiness: Emergency Medicine prepares you for success during your emergency medicine internship. Inside is a full range of clinical scenarios you may experience during your emergency medicine residency, supported by comprehension questions with detailed answer explanations and tips to remember. You will also learn the clinical problem-solving process so you can think quickly on your feet, especially when time is critical. With this book's step-by-step guidance, you will gain the confidence you need to perform at your best on Day One of your residency.
Beyond treating your patient, Resident Readiness prepares you to:
- Build a framework for an efficient approach to ED patient care
- Recognize life-threatening presentations
- Prepare for critical care challenges
- Build a solid foundation in EMS and Ultrasound
- Provide appropriate discharge planning and follow up from the ED
Über den Autor Klamen Debra
Dr. Debra L. Klamen is Associate Dean of Education and Curriculum as well as Professor and Chair of the Department of Medical Education at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (Springfield, Illinois). She is also a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at SIU.
Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine Chicago, Illinois Staff Forensic Psychiatrist Forensic Clinical Services of the Circuit Court of Cook County Chicago, Illinois Staff Psychiatrist Du Page County Health Department, Crisis and Access Center Lombard, Illinois