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Peculiar Treasures (eBook)

Autor: Robin Jones Gunn
CHF 21.90
ISBN: 978-1-942704-50-8
Einband: Adobe Digital Editions
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
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Katie catches more than just the bouquet at Christy and Todd's wedding. Just when her future as a college senior seems questionable, Katie catches a desirable position on campus, and everything begins to line up. That is, until she also catches the attention of Eli, a new student at Rancho Corona University. Why does Eli keep looking at her that way? And what does all this mean to her "e;almost"e; boyfriend, Rick? He is the one who keeps saying their relationship should stay in the slow lane. Katie agrees and optimistically rolls into the summer. Her days are filled with long hours at work, new friends and peers, a fun trip to Catalina Island and a beach day with her favorite friends from high school. Yet her heart feels unsettled. Rick's job becomes complicated and so does their relationship. Katie's new position demands her full attention. When she finally hits a breaking point, Katie makes a late-night call to Christy in tears. Will Katie be honest with herself and her closest friend about her struggles? Will she remember the treasured words God impressed on her heart the day she found herself face to face with a wild fox?Katie begins to see that her choices will define who she is and the woman she's becoming.

Autor Robin Jones Gunn
Verlag Robin's Nest Productions
Einband Adobe Digital Editions
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Masse 1'003 KB
Plattform EPUB

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