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Maritime Archaeology (eBook)

Australian Approaches
Autor: Mark (Hrsg.) Staniforth
CHF 59.00
ISBN: 978-0-387-26108-9
Einband: PDF
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
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Maritime archaeology and underwater cultural heritage management have become well established over the past twenty years or so in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly in Australia. During that period Australian researchers and underwater cultural heritage managers have conducted a significant number of important maritime archaeological investigations and have developed innovative approaches to the discipline.

Subject areas discussed in this book include shipwrecks and abandoned vessels, underwater site formation processes, maritime infrastructure and industries such as whaling, submerged aircraft and Australian Indigenous sites underwater. The application of National and State legislation and management regimes to these underwater cultural heritage sites is also highlighted, together with the important role of avocational divers and training programs in raising the profile of underwater and maritime heritage sites.

The book includes a comprehensive bibliography of work conducted both in Australia and by Australian maritime archaeologists in the Asia-Pacific region. This book will be of interest to students and practitioners of maritime and historical archaeology and cultural heritage managers throughout the world as example of good practice and innovative approaches to maritime archaeology.


Cover photographs courtesy of (front) Department of Maritime Archaeology, WA Maritime Museum; (back, above) Heritage Unit, Heritage Victoris; (back, below) Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service.

Autor Mark (Hrsg.) Staniforth
Verlag Springer New York
Einband PDF
Erscheinungsjahr 2006
Seitenangabe 222 S.
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Abbildungen XVII, 222 p.
Masse 14'246 KB
Plattform PDF
Reihe The Springer Series in Underwater Archaeology

Weitere Titel von Mark (Hrsg.) Staniforth
