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Lord Acton for Our Time (eBook)

Autor: Christopher Lazarski
CHF 14.20
ISBN: 978-1-5017-7172-9
Einband: Adobe Digital Editions
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
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Lord Acton for Our Time illuminates the thought of the English historian, politician, and writer who gave us the famous maxim: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Extracting lessons for our current age, Christopher Lazarski focuses on liberty-how Acton understood it, what he thought was its foundation and necessary ingredients, and the history of its development in Western Civilization.

Acton is known as a historian, or even the historian, of liberty and as an ardent liberal, but there is confusion as to how he understood liberty and what kind of liberalism he professed.

Lord Acton for Our Time provides an introduction that presents essentials about Acton's life and recovers his theory of liberalism. Lazarski analyzes Acton's type of liberalism, probing whether it can offer a solution to the crisis of liberal democracy in our own era. For Acton, liberty is the freedom to do what we ought to do, both as individuals and as citizens, and his writings contain valuable lessons for today.

Autor Christopher Lazarski
Verlag Cornell University Press
Einband Adobe Digital Editions
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
Seitenangabe 180 S.
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Abbildungen 1 b&w line drawing
Plattform EPUB
Reihe People for Our Time

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