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Impacts and Influences (eBook)

Media Power in the Twentieth Century
Autor: James (Hrsg.) Curran
CHF 65.15
ISBN: 978-1-136-73485-4
Einband: PDF
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
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This volume provides a cutting-edge exposition to research on the self. Sixteen authoritative overviews highlight the role of the self around four themes. The first theme is Brain and Cognition, which includes a social neuroscience perspective on the self, implicit self-cognition, the structure of the self and autobiographical memory. The next theme is Motivation, in which chapters include social comparison, self-regulation, narcissism, and modesty. The third theme is Self-esteem and Emotions, covered by chapters on the measurement of self-esteem, terror management theory, sociometer theory, and self-conscious emotions. The final theme concerns the Interpersonal, Intergroup and Cultural Context, containing chapters on intimate relationships, social exclusion, the collective self, and culture.Throughout the volume, the exposition is both scholarly and accessible. It also offers critical assessments along with thoughtful discussions of challenges and problems ahead, as well as the generation of novel hypotheses. As such, the book aspires to influence the research agenda for several years to come.The Self will serve as an essential reference volume for active researchers in the field, while also being appropriate for use as a textbook in advanced courses on the self.
Autor James (Hrsg.) Curran
Verlag Taylor & Francis Ebooks
Einband PDF
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
Seitenangabe 360 S.
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Masse 13'024 KB
Plattform PDF
Verlagsartikelnummer 9781136734854

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