The emergence of experimental philosophy was one of the most significant developments in the early modern period. However, it is often overlooked in modern scholarship, despite being associated with leading figures such as Francis Bacon, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, David Hume and Christian Wolff. Ranging from the early Royal Society of London in the seventeenth century to the uptake of experimental philosophy in Paris and Berlin in the eighteenth, this book provides new terms of reference for understanding early modern philosophy and science, and its eventual eclipse in the shadow of post-Kantian notions of empiricism and rationalism. Experimental Philosophy and the Origins of Empiricism is an integrated history of early modern experimental philosophy which challenges the rationalism and empiricism historiography that has dominated Anglophone history of philosophy for more than a century.
Über den Autor Anstey Peter R.
Peter R. Anstey is the iARC Future Fellow and Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Sydney. He trained at the University of Sydney and specialises in the thought of Francis Bacon, Robert Boyle, and John Locke. He is the author or The Philosophy of Robert Boyle (2000), John Locke and Natural Philosophy (2011) and is currently editing (with Lawrence M. Principe) John Locke: Writings on Natural Philosophy and Medicine for the Clarendon edition of Locke's Works.