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Evolved to Move (eBook)

Using the Alexander Technique to Reduce Pain and Improve Fitness
Autor: Richard Brennan
CHF 46.45
ISBN: 978-1-80501-393-8
Einband: Adobe Digital Editions
Verfügbarkeit: Noch nicht erschienen, Juni 2025

The human body is designed to move naturally and freely, without forced tension or conscious effort. But modern life is full of factors that push people out of sync with their bodies' natural balance.

Based on the pioneering work of Frederick Matthias Alexander, this book shows movement professionals how to use the Alexander Technique to free up clients' movement and reduce pain caused by unbalanced posture. Each exercise demonstrates how to become conscious of any bad postural habits that have developed over time, and allows you to bring your clients or yourself back into alignment.

An essential guide for somatic practitioners, manual therapists, movement and health professionals, and anyone who wants to reduce or avoid joint pain.

Autor Richard Brennan
Verlag Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Einband Adobe Digital Editions
Erscheinungsjahr 2025
Lieferstatus Noch nicht erschienen, Juni 2025
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Abbildungen 100 b/w images
Plattform EPUB

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