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Curriculum in a New Key (eBook)

The Collected Works of Ted T. Aoki
Autor: Ted T. Aoki
CHF 136.75
ISBN: 978-1-135-70442-1
Einband: Adobe Digital Editions
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
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Ted T. Aoki, the most prominent curriculum scholar of his generation in Canada, has influenced numerous scholars around the world. Curriculum in a New Key brings together his work, over a 30-year span, gathered here under the themes of reconceptualizing curriculum; language, culture, and curriculum; and narrative. Aoki's oeuvre is utterly unique--a complex interdisciplinary configuration of phenomenology, post-structuralism, and multiculturalism that is both theoretically and pedagogically sophisticated and speaks directly to teachers, practicing and prospective. Curriculum in a New Key: The Collected Works of Ted T. Aoki is an invaluable resource for graduate students, professors, and researchers in curriculum studies, and for students, faculty, and scholars of education generally.

Autor Ted T. Aoki
Verlag Taylor & Francis Ebooks
Einband Adobe Digital Editions
Erscheinungsjahr 2004
Seitenangabe 224 S.
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Masse 2'467 KB
Plattform EPUB

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