In Bat Bioacoustics we briefly review the history of biosonar and echolocation (reminding readers
of the 1995 Hearing by Bats). Adaptations for biosonar make one of
the most fascinating stories in neuroethology. The auditory systems, biosonar signals, and their central role in the
biology of bats are front and center in this story. Echolocation by bats has proven to be a
virtual gold mine for colleagues studying neurobiology, while providing many
rich examples of its impact on other areas of bats' lives. This volume is aimed
at graduate students and postdoctoral investigators, as well as professionals
and academics. It is intended to
function as a high-profile and up-to-date reference work on bat bioacoustics.
A History of the Study of Echolocation by Alan D. Grinnell, Edwin Gould, and M. Brock Fenton
Phylogeny, Genes, and Hearing - Implications for the Evolution of
Echolocation in Bats by Emma C. Teeling, Gareth Jones, and
Stephen J. Rossiter
Ultrasound Production, Emission, and Receptionby Walter Metzner and Rolf Mueller
To Scream or to Listen? Prey Detection and Discrimination in
Animal-Eating Bats by Patricia L.
Jones, Rachel A. Page, and John M. Ratcliffe
Roles of
Acoustic Social Communication in the Lives of Batsby Erin Gillam and M. Brock
Structure and Niche Differentiation in Echolocating Bats byAnnette
Denzinger, Elisabeth K. V. Kalko?,
Marco Tschapka, Alan D. Grinnell, and Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler
Neural Coding of Signal Duration and Complex Acoustic Objectsby Paul A. Faure and Uwe Firzlaff
Neural Processing of Frequency Modulations in the Auditory System of Bats by George D. Pollak
and Physiological Bases for Doppler Shift Compensation by Echolocating Bats byShizuko Hiryu, Emanuel C. Mora, and Hiroshi
Perceiving the World Through Echolocation and
Vision by Annemarie
Surlykke, James A. Simmons, and Cynthia F. Moss
Perspectives and Challenges for Future Research in Bat Hearing by Lutz Wiegrebe, Alan D. Grinnell, and M. Brock Fenton
About the Editors:
M. Brock Fenton is Professor Emeritus
in the Department of Biology at Western University.
D. Grinnell is Distinguished Professor of Integrative Biology and
Physiology at the University of California, Los Angeles
Arthur N. Popper is Professor Emeritus and
Research Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Maryland,
Richard R. Fay is Distinguished Research
Professor of Psychology at Loyola University Chicago.
About the Series:
The Springer Handbook of
Auditory Research presents a series of synthetic reviews of fundamental topics
dealing with auditory systems. Each volume is independent and authoritative;
taken as a set, this series is the definitive resource in the field